Source: core/base-service/base-xml.js

 * @module

// See available emoji at
import emojic from 'emojic'
import { XMLParser, XMLValidator } from 'fast-xml-parser'
import BaseService from './base.js'
import trace from './trace.js'
import { InvalidResponse } from './errors.js'

 * Services which query a XML endpoint should extend BaseXmlService
 * @abstract
class BaseXmlService extends BaseService {
   * Request data from an upstream API serving XML,
   * parse it and validate against a schema
   * @param {object} attrs Refer to individual attrs
   * @param {Joi} attrs.schema Joi schema to validate the response against
   * @param {string} attrs.url URL to request
   * @param {object} [attrs.options={}] Options to pass to got. See
   *    [documentation](
   * @param {object} [attrs.httpErrors={}] Key-value map of status codes
   *    and custom error messages e.g: `{ 404: 'package not found' }`.
   *    This can be used to extend or override the
   *    [default](
   * @param {object} [attrs.systemErrors={}] Key-value map of got network exception codes
   *    and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object
   *    e.g: `{ ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }`.
   *    See {@link got error codes}
   *    for allowed keys
   *    and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
   * @param {number[]} [attrs.logErrors=[429]] An array of http error codes
   *    that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).
   * @param {object} [attrs.parserOptions={}] Options to pass to fast-xml-parser. See
   *    [documentation](
   * @returns {object} Parsed response
   * @see
   * @see
  async _requestXml({
    options = {},
    httpErrors = {},
    systemErrors = {},
    logErrors = [429],
    parserOptions = {},
  }) {
    const logTrace = (...args) => trace.logTrace('fetch', ...args)
    const mergedOptions = {
      ...{ headers: { Accept: 'application/xml, text/xml' } },
    const { buffer } = await this._request({
      options: mergedOptions,
    const validateResult = XMLValidator.validate(buffer)
    if (validateResult !== true) {
      throw new InvalidResponse({
        prettyMessage: 'unparseable xml response',
        underlyingError: validateResult.err,
    const parser = new XMLParser(parserOptions)
    const xml = parser.parse(buffer)
    logTrace(emojic.dart, 'Response XML (before validation)', xml, {
      deep: true,
    return this.constructor._validate(xml, schema)

export default BaseXmlService