Tutorial: deprecating-badges


Deprecating Badges

When a service that Shields integrates with shuts down, those badges will no longer work and need to be deprecated within Shields.

Deprecating a badge involves two steps:

  1. Updating the service code to use the DeprecatedService class
  2. Updating the service tests to reflect the new behavior of the deprecated service

Update Service Implementation

Locate the source file(s) for the service, which can be found in *.service.js files located within the directory for the service (./services/:service-name/) such as ./services/imagelayers/imagelayers.service.js.

Replace the existing service class implementation with the DeprecatedService class from ./core/base-service/deprecated-service.js using the respective category, route, and label values for that service. For example:

import { deprecatedService } from '../index.js'

export default deprecatedService({
  category: 'size',
  route: {
    base: 'imagelayers',
    format: '(?:.+?)',
  label: 'imagelayers',
  dateAdded: new Date('2019-xx-xx'), // Be sure to update this with today's date!

Update Service Tests

Locate the test file(s) for the service, which can be found in *.tester.js files located in the service directory (./services/:service-name/), such as ./services/imagelayers/imagelayers.tester.js.

With DeprecatedService classes we cannot use createServiceTester() so you will need to create the ServiceTester class directly. For example:

import { ServiceTester } from '../tester.js'

export const t = new ServiceTester({
  id: 'imagelayers',
  title: 'ImageLayers',

Next you will need to replace/refactor the existing tests to validate the new deprecated badge behavior for this service. Deprecated badges always return a message of no longer available (such as imagelayers | no longer available) so the tests need to be updated to reflect that message value. For example:

t.create('no longer available (previously image size)')
    label: 'imagelayers',
    message: 'no longer available',

Make sure to have a live (non-mocked) test for each badge the service provides that validates the each badge returns the no longer available message.

Here is an example of what the final result would look like for a test file:

import { ServiceTester } from '../tester.js'

export const t = new ServiceTester({
  id: 'imagelayers',
  title: 'ImageLayers',

t.create('no longer available (previously image size)')
    label: 'imagelayers',
    message: 'no longer available',

t.create('no longer available (previously number of layers)')
    label: 'imagelayers',
    message: 'no longer available',

What Happens Next?

Once a service is deprecated, we'll keep the deprecation notice for a minimum of one year. During that time, the badge will render as follows:

Past that point, all related code will be deleted, and a not found error will be rendered instead:

Here is a listing of all deleted badges that were once part of the Shields.io service:

  • APM
  • Beerpay
  • Bintray
  • bitHound
  • Cauditor
  • CocoaPods Apps
  • CocoaPods Downloads
  • Codetally
  • continuousphp
  • Coverity
  • Criterion
  • David
  • dependabot
  • Dockbit
  • Dotnet Status
  • Gemnasium
  • Gratipay/Gittip
  • ImageLayers
  • Issue Stats
  • JitPack Downloads
  • Leanpub
  • LGTM
  • Libscore
  • Magnum CI
  • MicroBadger
  • NSP
  • pkgreview
  • PHP Eye
  • requires.io
  • Shippable
  • Snap CI
  • Travis.org
  • VersionEye
  • Waffle
  • Wercker

Additional Information

Some other information that may be useful: