* Commonly-used functions for formatting text in badge labels. Includes
* ordinal numbers, currency codes, star ratings, versions, etc.
* @module
* Creates a string of stars and empty stars based on the rating.
* The number of stars is determined by the integer part of the rating.
* An additional star or a three-quarter star or a half star or a quarter star is added based on the decimal part of the rating.
* The remaining stars are empty stars until the maximum number of stars is reached.
* @param {number} rating - Current rating
* @param {number} [max] - Maximum rating
* @returns {string} A string of stars and empty stars
function starRating(rating, max = 5) {
const flooredRating = Math.floor(rating)
let stars = ''
while (stars.length < flooredRating) {
stars += '★'
const decimal = rating - flooredRating
if (decimal >= 0.875) {
stars += '★'
} else if (decimal >= 0.625) {
stars += '¾'
} else if (decimal >= 0.375) {
stars += '½'
} else if (decimal >= 0.125) {
stars += '¼'
while (stars.length < max) {
stars += '☆'
return stars
* Converts the ISO 4217 code to the corresponding currency symbol.
* If the the symbol for the code is not found, then the code itself is returned.
* @param {string} code - ISO 4217 code
* @returns {string} Currency symbol for the code
function currencyFromCode(code) {
return (
CNY: '¥',
EUR: '€',
GBP: '₤',
USD: '$',
}[code] || code
* Calculates the ordinal number of the given number.
* For example, if the input is 1, the output is “1ˢᵗ”.
* @param {number} n - Input number
* @returns {string} Ordinal number of the input number
function ordinalNumber(n) {
const s = ['ᵗʰ', 'ˢᵗ', 'ⁿᵈ', 'ʳᵈ']
const v = n % 100
return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0])
const metricPrefix = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
const metricPower = metricPrefix.map((a, i) => Math.pow(1000, i + 1))
* Given a number (positive or negative), returns a string with appropriate unit in the metric system, SI.
* Note: numbers beyond the peta- cannot be represented as integers in JS.
* For example, if you call metric(1000), it will return "1k", which means one kilo or one thousand.
* @param {number} n - Input number
* @returns {string} String with appropriate unit in the metric system, SI
function metric(n) {
for (let i = metricPrefix.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const limit = metricPower[i]
const absN = Math.abs(n)
if (absN >= limit) {
const scaledN = absN / limit
if (scaledN < 10) {
// For "small" numbers, display one decimal digit unless it is 0.
const oneDecimalN = scaledN.toFixed(1)
if (oneDecimalN.charAt(oneDecimalN.length - 1) !== '0') {
const res = `${oneDecimalN}${metricPrefix[i]}`
return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`
const roundedN = Math.round(scaledN)
if (roundedN < 1000) {
const res = `${roundedN}${metricPrefix[i]}`
return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`
} else {
const res = `1${metricPrefix[i + 1]}`
return n > 0 ? res : `-${res}`
return `${n}`
* Remove the starting v in a string if it exists.
* For example, omitv("v1.2.3") returns "1.2.3", but omitv("hello") returns "hello".
* @param {string} version - Version string
* @returns {string} Version string without the starting v
function omitv(version) {
if (version.charCodeAt(0) === 118) {
return version.slice(1)
return version
const ignoredVersionPatterns =
* Add a starting v to the version unless it doesn't starts with a digit, is a date (yyyy-mm-dd), or is a commit hash.
* For example, addv("1.2.3") returns "v1.2.3", but addv("hello"), addv("2021-10-31"), addv("abcdef1"), returns "hello", "2021-10-31", and "abcdef1" respectively.
* @param {string} version - Version string
* @returns {string} Version string with the starting v
function addv(version) {
version = `${version}`
if (version.startsWith('v') || ignoredVersionPatterns.test(version)) {
return version
} else {
return `v${version}`
* Returns a string that is either the singular or the plural form of a word,
* depending on the length of the countable parameter.
* @param {string} singular - Singular form of the word
* @param {string[]} countable - Array of values you want to count
* @param {string} plural - Plural form of the word
* @returns {string} Singular or plural form of the word
function maybePluralize(singular, countable, plural) {
plural = plural || `${singular}s`
if (countable && countable.length === 1) {
return singular
} else {
return plural
export {